Turkey Call Strikers
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Country Boy Two Piece Bocote Turkey Call Striker
Country Boy Game Calls
MSRP: $12.95$9.95Type a description for this product here...BT-CBtwopieceBocostrikerMSRP: $12.95$9.95 -
Country Boy Two Piece Laminate Turkey Call Striker
Country Boy Game Calls
MSRP: $12.95$9.95Type a description for this product here...BT-CBtwopiecelamstrikerMSRP: $12.95$9.95 -
Country Boy One Piece Turkey Call Striker
Country Boy Game Calls
MSRP: $17.95$14.95The County Boy One Piece Turkey Striker is made of Maple. It features a flared tip striker to control the angle of the strike. By skillfully rubbing the striker against the surface of a Friction Turkey Call, you can create a range of enticing calls...BT-CBOnepiecestrikerMSRP: $17.95$14.95